Sunday 7 December 2014

Ada and Santa

It has been a busy couple of months for all of us here. I have been consumed with study and revision, and had my exam on Friday. (it was awful - I'm sure I've failed spectacularly). But once I've done the exam I'm pretty good at putting it behind me and focusing on what's ahead. Which mean Ada's first Christmas and spending time with her and Dave.

So on Saturday we had a lot of things to do. We had photos for Christmas cards to get, a Christmas tree to buy and Ada's first photo with Santa to take.

There are a couple of Santa's Grottos around London but we choose the one at the Museum of London at Docklands, which had a 'Victorian Christmas' theme (it was all very Dickens-like). We had to wait in line for a bit, but when we got to the front, a lady asked who Ada was, and how old was she. Then she said something to Ada and she (Ada) freaked out and started crying. A sign of things to come surely. 

I knew it wasn't going to go very well - Ada generally absolutely hates going to strangers. Even with people she knows it can be touch and go. Throw in a creepy old man with a white beard and I knew what her reaction was going to be. And she didn't disappoint

We distracted her with food, a toy tiger, dad, and sitting on my lap and got a less 'this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me' photo.

Here's to the two-thousand and fifteen photo.