Monday 26 January 2015


I've taken the plunge and quit Facebook (well, I will do by the end of the night) and redirected friends and family to this blog. Hello! There are a few reasons why I have done this, namely

Removing myself from the distracting that is social media. It's all a bit tiresome these days, and I just can't be bothered with all that malarkey. I need to focus on my family and friends and occasionally work.

Maintaining and controlling my family's privacy. By making this blog private I can (hopefully) control whom I want to share our updates with. Friends from school who I never really like anyway? You're gone.

Momentos. I feel like this blog will better encapsulate the big (and not so big) moments in our lives. I just end up posting a couple of photos with a one work sentence about what it's about. And sometimes that will be fine. And I'm sure I'll do that here (Actually, I'm pretty certain I'll do that here). But for the times when I want to write down and remember feelings/events et al, I have a better forum to do so here.

So with that said and done, here is our weekend gone.

Dave had to go into work on Sunday to work on a pitch that he has coming up for work and it's a pretty big one, so he couldn't (and shouldn't) get out of it. So on Saturday we had plans to go down to Battersea Park for a wander and a play in the playground. And then my friend Jessie asked if we wanted to catch up for breakfast and seeing as though breakfast is my most favourite meal of the day, how could I refuse.

Now the last two or three times we had seen Jessie and Ada had been there Ada had been a miserable grump - either tired or sick or teething or a little of all three. She would be super clingy to either Dave or I (usually Dave these days) and just being a bit of an all round diva. 

But this time it was all different. We went out to lunch, Ada warmed to Jessie, and by the time we walked back to Jessie's for a coffee Ada was super happy, walking all around her flat and even let her have a hold of her. 

I think it was down to a few things. Ada needs to 'warm up to a room'. In any given (new) situation it generally takes her about half an hour to get used to it. She is a bit older now and I think is handling new situations a bit better too. And lastly she wasn't (super) sick or teething. Which makes for a happy babe and a happy Mum and Dad (oh and Jessie had a dog which had her interested, if not a little overwhelmed).

Sunday we had our second NCT 1st Birthday Party. Ivo was having his party at Vauxhall City Farm, with a morning tea, followed by a show and tell of some on the animals there. There was a guinea pig, a weasel (it might have been a ferret), a rat (which was actually kind of cute if you didn't look at it's tail), a bunny (sssuuupppeerrr cute), a Polish chicken and a totally crazy duck. She was middle of the road with all of them - occasionally excited but for the most part vaguely interested. Still I had a good time. Then we got to feed some goats and alpacas, which as a combination could be my most favourite animals ever. 

She fell asleep on the walk home, and then we had a nice mum and baby snuggle of the couch before Dave came home an hour earlier than I was expecting him. 

A great weekend.