Friday 3 October 2014

We heart the mornings

Mornings are great for us. Ada is beyond happy first thing in the morning. She hears one (or both) of us creaking into her room and her little face just lights up like it's Christmas morning. She is absolutely crazy over breakfast - she loves porridge and toast and if I'm eating cereal get's super cranky if she doesn't get some. 

We have mornings naps down as well. She generally wakes up around seven am, and goes down for her morning nap around nine-thirty / ten. Again, when she wakes up, she is delighted to see me once more (seriously Ada - I'm always going to be there).

This morning I got our proper camera out and took some shots of her. Because I've never used the camera before she is fascinated by it and the shutter sound which makes for some great photos.

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