Monday 14 July 2014

And we keep on walking

Since having Ada I don't think I've ever walked so much in my entire life. There are a couple of reasons for this.

One - it's summer and the weather is (generally) pretty nice. I don't know if I'll ever have this time off during summer again, so I plan on taking full advantage of it. If the sun is shining we keep on walking

Two - she's asleep. Ada has the innate ability to sense when we've walked in the house when she's asleep in the buggy. She could have been asleep for ten minutes or an hour and boom! she's awake again. If she's asleep in the buggy, and the weather is nice, and we have nowhere else to go, we keep on walking

Three - it calms her down. Around five o'clock in the evening is the witching hour for us. Six o'clock we start our night time routine (feeding, bath, bed et cetera) but between five and six she is a bit of a gremlin. So we generally go for a walk to Kennington Park. And if she's happy, we keep on walking.

Four - it's cheap and I'm exercising. Now that I'm getting maternity pay (don't even let me get on my soap box about that) money isn't tight, per se, but I am watching what we spend. And even though I'm going to pilates once a week, that and walking is pretty much the only exercise we do. So given the choice between the bus or walking, we keep on walking.

Five - I can take cute pictures of her in front of London landmarks, like the London eye.

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