Thursday 31 July 2014

Cry baby

We've been having real success with Ada sleeping through the night. After day two or three of starting the crying it out method, she sleeps through the night - anywhere from seven-thirty pm until seven am (although the last couple of mornings have been around six am). It has made a huge difference in mine and Dave's lives. We've been able to actual sit down and have a meal together. Give Sophie some much needed attention (I have an incredible amount of cat-mum guilt). 

But day time naps are hard. And also different from her night time sleeping. At night, I find it hard to keep her awake past seven-thirty. Last night she almost fell asleep on me in the bath. 

She actually goes down really well for her morning nap around nine am and can sleep from anywhere between an hour to two hours, but I think that there are two reasons for this:

one - she has gotten up way to early (see: six am) and is already super tired.

two - we have been feeding her breakfast of apple and pear with baby rice or apple and peach with baby rice and she is full up.

But any other daytime nap in her cot is a struggle. She will eventually go to sleep but sometimes it's thirty minutes (in total, not continually) of crying for only a twenty minute nap. What's the point in that? And her crying? More like screaming. (Attachment parenting mums, look away now). She screams so loud, that I half expect police to knock on my door because they think I'm abusing my child. Urgh, I feel so guilty just writing that (thoughts on my never ending mum guilt to feature in the not too distant future). The thing is I know she isn't in pain. I know she isn't hungry. I know that she is tired. She. just. fights. every. step. of. the. way.

But after only fifteen minutes of crying this afternoon we achieved this:

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