Saturday 19 July 2014

Growing up, sitting up

I was told by a fair few mums (see: more than two) that the first three months are the hardest but afterwards things get easier. And in some respects I found that to be true. But there wasn't a magical moment where bang! three months and she is all of the sudden an angel and our lives were smooth sailing. Ada was really colicky the first couple of months, a terrible day sleeper, and just generally a super cranky pants baby.

Whilst she isn't six months yet, for me, I feel like that age will be a milestone. Maybe it's that she is becoming a bit more independent - she can sit up by herself, she is eating solid (pureed) food, can go longer stretches of entertaining herself - that I can see light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe I'm becoming  more comfortable in my mum decisions. Maybe it's that it's summer. Maybe it's because she's sleeping through the night and not napping on me during the day. Maybe it's a a lot of different pieces falling into place. Whatever it is, it makes for a fun ride.

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