Friday 29 August 2014

Ada and Sophie

When I found out I was pregnant it was my dream that the baby and Sophie would become best friends. Not straight away, but eventually. This was always going to be difficult because Sophie is a very particular cat (aren't they all). She won't sit on your lap unless you are sitting on the her expensive armchair with a cushion on your lap (never, ever directly on your lap). She won't sleep anywhere in the bed - it must be in the lower right hand corner of the bed i.e. exactly where I want to put my feet. 

Now that Ada is sitting up and taking things in she loves to look at Sophie and watch her walk across the room, jump onto things/out the window. For her part, Sophie has a healthy tolerance over her, coming over for a sniff or a hand nudge every now and again. She has never shown any aggression towards her (well apart from the first day we bought Ada home and she hissed at her, but I'm putting that down to her thinking it was another cat or something) which is good.

A couple of weeks ago Ada and I were lying in her room in the afternoon, just being silly. The afternoon is the best time to get Ada to laugh - she is just the right amount of contentedness and tired to find anything I do amusing. However that afternoon, she reacted to Sophie in a way that I've never seen her do. Although I found it really funny, I quickly picked her up and reassured her that everything was okay

For the record their relationship is usually like this

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