Saturday 16 August 2014

Flying solo

On Wednesday Dave went to Lisbon for work. I say work in the looses possible way because it was more eating and drinking. And by eating and drinking, I just mean drinking. Which meant that I was playing single mum for a couple of days, which is hard work. 

We tried to keep busy by filling our days up. On Wednesday, Allie, her baby Poppy, Ada and I went to 'The Cornershop' a shop where everything is made entirely out of felt. It was pretty impressive. I wish I had the dedication to sit for seven month and make endless amount of felt crisps. 

(continued after the jump)

On Thursday we decided to have a quiet day around home. We went for a walk to a nice cafe in Clapham. I've been there a fair few times before, sometimes to eat but mostly just to get a coffee to take away. Ada fell asleep on the walk there so I though this would be an ideal time to be able to sit down and have some lunch. I order a salad and a coffee. The coffee came and then about twenty (thirty?) minutes later I still hadn't got my salad. When a waiter came by I asked if my salad was coming, and if the order hadn't gone through just to cancel it. He came back and said for some reason the ticket hadn't gone through to the kitchen, ergo it wasn't being made. I said don't worry about it. Now, all of the times that I've been in there to eat something has pretty much always gone wrong, either with my food or the other person that I'm eating with. I should have just got a sandwich to take away or something. And for some reason I was really emotional about them fucking up my order. I just wanted to cry and/or scream 'don't you realise I'm a breastfeeding mum!?! I need to eat!'. But the longer I'm here the more English I become and I just smiled and said 'don't worry about, it happens'. And then went and spent a load of money in Waitrose. 

Friday we went to lunch with Sharon and Taressa and Lizzie and Kathy. It was a lovely girls lunch filled with great food and greater company. We took a leisurely stroll back home, stopped in at the library and came home for some afternoon snuggles.

Today Dave came home, but didn't land until one pm, and then didn't get back home until four-ish. So after Ada's morning nap we went to Oval farmers market, bought loads of over priced cheese and sour dough bread. I also had the most amazing pork bap I've ever had. Then we stopped in at another coffee place (who would have though that south west London has so many decent coffee places now?) to kill some time before Dave came home. I love this place, the coffee is good, but the space it's in is amazing - loads of light coming in, exposed brickwork. I'm thinking of having Ada's first birthday there. It's on the shortlist anyway. 

And then Dave came home and everything was right with the world once again. 

My hat goes off to full time single mums, I found it a challenge for just three days - I don't know if I could do it forever. The days were okay it was just nights that could be difficult. I found that if I was super organised with her night time routine - get her bottle ready, her pyjamas and her room, then it was easier. But then when she went to bed I just thought to myself, what do I do now? The answer was usually wine and watching 'Veep', but to do that for an extended period of time - tough work.

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