Thursday 19 February 2015

A bad day that got better

Ada had to get her twelve month immunisations today. And it was hard. I've read all the literature about it and am strongly pro-immunisation, but it is still a tough thing to put your baby through.

So early in the morning we went off to see the nurse. Ada was in good spirits, which made it worse. I was taking her into the lion's den. She got her first needle in her arm (there were three in total) and slowly came to the realisation that this was really awful. Needle two and three went in and she was in a flood of tears. This felt a lot harder then her three, four, five month old jabs. She is more of a person now and knows what she likes and has a wonderful, light spirit and to see her upset because of something I put her through was difficult. Big cuddles and a pop up book later and she was a little better. We came home, I have her a bottle and she fell asleep. On me. Which was really sweet, because I think we both needed it. 

She slept for two hours, which is unusual for her, and for that time of day (she fell asleep at ten am) and I had to wake her because we were meeting Dave for lunch. 

A quick jump on the tube and we meet Dave and had burritos for lunch (she had messy spaghetti which is fast becoming her favourite meal). It is always really great to see Dave during the week and I think he really loves seeing her as well - he really only gets an hour at most in the evenings and the weekend, which is never enough for any parent.

Then we went to Waterloo to meet a NCT mum, Miriam, and her girl, Ivy, who is a week younger that Ada. It is half term so Festival Hall was ridiculously busy with mums, dads and older children. Our usual area where we can sit and chat and the babies can run around was taken with kids activities so we went to another area, which had a cardboard city and overlooked a cold, grey, rainy Thames. We spent a couple of hours chatting and running after the girls who were either summoning their inner Godzilla (Ada) or crawling towards the stairs (Ivy). It was a wonderful afternoon.

Then we came home and Ada potted around the house playing with her toys (and my tampons. Who needs to buy loads of expensive things for babies when you can just buy a couple of packs of tampax and they're in heaven?). 

Dave came home for bath time, I gave her a bottle and she went out like a light.

I was really upset this morning, but by the evening we were all smiles and laughter once more.

'This flimsy bit of cord isn't going to hold me back!!!'

'Success in the cardboard city!'

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