Sunday 1 February 2015


We just returned from our best baby friend - Poppy's - first birthday. Ada had, for the longest time, a love/hate relationship with Poppy. Poppy absolutely loved Ada but Ada would have none of it. This culminated on New Year's Eve where Allie (Poppy's mum [or mom]) and I thought it would be really nice for them to have a little play and bath together before going to bed and the adults could really have some fun. Ada had other ideas. Any time Poppy came vaguely close Ada would have a meltdown. The bath (together) did not happen. 

But today Ada was great. Poppy was great, but she always is. Ada was happy to leave Dave and I and play with all the babies there. It was really great.

The past few weeks have been first birthday party after first birthday party and it has been really fun. I've looked forward to going to every one of them, but now the realisation that it's Ada's birthday next is starting to dawn on me. I'm not sad that she is growing up, more just sentimental. I'm excited to see what the next year brings, and how much she grows, what she does, what she is interested in.

We also have made so much progress in our swimming classes. About four or five months ago Ada was really upset in quite a few lessons and steadfastly did not want to go to her swimming teacher, Kirsty, when she would do underwater dives. Instead I had to 'swim' her to Kirsty (and not vice versa). This year she has been amazing. No crying before she gets in, doesn't get upset when Kirsty holds her. It makes for a fun time for both her and I. 


  1. Post more blogs! I love reading them. X

    1. I'll try - it's difficult to find things to write about now that i'm back at work
